I really should be working on my paper for Visual Culture and Science right now BUT I felt the urge to put all of the weeks events into the blog! Not that very much happened haha.
The week involved late night reading nearly every night, and almost always some in the morning and midday. It seems like people here either really overwork their homework or else don't do their homework or else do the appropriate amount. But really, it's all across the boards. I think the ratio of procrastinators to perfectionists to people with good work ethic is 2:5:3 but, seeing as my test sample is only my hall (20ish kids) the pool is not perfect but, it's fascinating. ANYWHO! Moving on.
The week days were long, looking back at them it seemed like they lasted forever but, as another week begins it actually wasn't forever. Thank goodness. Lots of reading though. And a little writing on the side. Except this new writing assignment that I am procrastinating on. But I have time to finish it so nobody worry!
This weekend there was a rave at Pearson's on Friday night...
(Alas I wasn't in attendance but ended up hanging out with the hall because everything thought it was lame anywho)
Saturday was sports day! There was field hockey, rugby, varsity mens and womens soccer, cross country, and something else...I don't know what else!
Our Scarlett, from B1N (she lives a couple doors down) plays forward for Midd and she was crazy amazing on Saturdays game and was the only person to really have any shots on goal (and she's a freshman!)
While waiting on Cross Country I watched some B-Team Rugby...
Followed by Leif!
And we cheered them all on!
Sunday was Quidditch day!
Not only did I get to mess around with microfilm, nap instead of do homework, and sing, we got to experience quidditch! AND Cook Commons (my commons) is Gryffindor and our Commons Leader is Professor McGonagall. No joke. See for yourself :)
And I almost forgot the morning prank...
Nick and Will were SO lucky:)
That's all for now, love you all!
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