Monday, November 15, 2010

Midd: Week 11

We are all so incredibly ready to go home.
A break is truly what we need in order to maintain sanity around here.
B1N was deserted this weekend, Aikido kids were gone, squash was gone, some other kids were just gone because they needed to get out and had cars to escape with (lucky).  It left just the girls and some of the boys but we barely made contact during the weekend.
The only picture I took this entire weekend was done yesterday (Sunday) afternoon of Mary in a tree.. Exciting, I know.

Today my Topics in Sociocultural Anthropology (SO-AN) prof informed us that we have two weeks left of school before finals.  To me this means:
1.  Start Research Paper
2.  Do Think Writes! (3 left :\)
3.  Figure out what happened in Chem for the last two weeks because it is SO CONFUSING
4.  Plan out my schedule for next semester :( uh oh
5.  Start studying for all my mid-terms :(

OH and I have an orchestra concert this friday and it is really hard music and I am supposed to meet with the cellos tomorrow afternoon and I'm scared because I actually cannot play it :( So, hopefully tomorrow I will be devoting my afternoon to learning the music. :\ UGH

BUT because I am a Midd Kid I will get it all done.  I have to! No choice!
Just so excited to go home. 
8 days
209 hours
12575 minutes
754507 seconds
So ready to leave.

I don't have a ton to say, this weekend we saw Yeasayer (, opened by DOM from Worcester, Mass.  Rugby won New Englands (thus they are the top rugby squad in new england schools it isn't a divisional sport) so they will be going to Nationals in the Spring!  Quidditch from Midd won the Quidditch World Cup! Which was held in Central Park in NYC. Midd Women's XC won Divisionals and Men's XC got 4th but will mostly likely be getting a by to Nationals as well!  Midd Men's soccer won both NCAA DIII games this weekend, progressing them in their bracket, fingers crossed they come out on top!

I think that is probably about it, love you all


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